Nel mese di Agosto 2006 la protesta radicale non-violenta sta raggiungendo apici non immaginabili in precedenza. Come la protesta di Ghandi ha determinato la costituzione dello stato Indiano, baluardo di democrazia nel terzo mondo, fa ora il giro del mondo l'azione determinata e pacifica di
John Murtari - un italoamericano a cui genitori Calabresi hanno trasmesso tenacia e valori spirituali necessari per difendere i diritti civili nella terra che ha dato origine alla moderna democrazia con la prima costituzione fatta dal "popolo". Ricordando i valori costituenti degli Stati Uniti d'America, John Murtari richiama il mondo intero alla difesa dei diritti fondamentali della persona, lesi sistematicamente dalle ingiustizie a cui e' soggetto il legame genitoriale nel mondo moderno.
Declaration of Independence: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness."
"The Family Rights Act"
Americans have always held to the tradition that "Liberty" and "Life" rights deserve our greatest protections. In response to recent government activism over the past 40 years, we must now clearly recognize our right to associate with our children, to be secure in our homes. What greater and purer "Happiness" can there be in life than the relation between parent and child.
John Murtari ex-pilota dell'areonautica USAF poi ingegnere del sofware era stato licenziato su due piedi per aver segnalato illeciti commessi dall'azienda in cui lavorava. Dopo la separazione ha continuato a dedicarsi a suo figlio, nonostante la distanza e le ingiuste condizioni determinate dal giudice. Il figlio di John era stato costretto a trasferirisi dalla parte opposta degli Stati Uniti senza riconoscere gli oneri che suo padre avrebbe dovuto sostenere per mantenere una relazione equilibrata, nonostante un genitore che impediva ogni contatto telefonico senza motivo concreto. In aggiunta, il giudice ha ulteriormente gravato John obbligandolo a pagare per mantenimento una cifra calcolata sul doppio del suo salario reale, nonostante l'altro genitore non ne avesse necessita' alcuna, essendo ampiamente autonomo sul piano economico nel provvedere alle proprie responsabilita' genitoriali.
Di fatto John non aveva alternative: o vedere suo figlio o pagare.
Svilito dai commenti - chi gli diceva "John, non farne un dramma, paga e vedrai tuo figlio quando avra' 18 anni come tutti" nonostante fosse evidente l'ingiustizia ardua da raddrizzare anche per il miglior avvocato - John prese la decisione di lottare per i diritti civili, per cambiare il sistema non solo per suo figlio, ma per garantire a tutti i figli - indipendentemente dallo Stato in cui sono nati - il diritto a vivere con il proprio genitore direttamente riconosciuto e difeso dalla amministrazione Federale degli Stati Uniti. Vogliamo che questo diritto venga recepito anche dalla Commissione Europea e dal parlamento degli Stati sovrani appartenenti all' ONU e al G12.
John e' stato sollevato di peso e tradotto in carcere dove finalmente ha costretto chi ha la responsabilita' della sua vita a nutrirlo via cannula, essendo la sua azione di protesta fondata sul rifiuto di mangiare e di bere direttamente con una azione volontaria. In sostanza John vuole manifestare il totale e radicale rifiuto del sistema attuale, al quale non puo' e non vuole fornire la benche' minima cooperazione, consideramendolo distorto e contrario ai diritti del minore dalle sue fondamenta.
Portare tutte le persone di buona volonta' a discutere e riflettere in modo approfondito e documentato sulla attuale ingiustizia e' il modo migliore di contribuire alla crescita mondiale del diritto.
Grazie John per il tuo sacrificio e per la serenita' pervasiva del tuo messaggio di azione. Invito tutti ad aderire all'appello di Teri Stoddard in sostegno di questa manifestazione mondiale.
"Please participate in the worldwide Day of Demonstration for Equal Parenting and Vigil for John Murtari. Whether you're one individual or an entire organization, everyone can make a difference."
Purple Ribbon Campaign for Equal Parenting
Come gesto di solidarieta' e' sufficiente fare una foto a un monumento o un albero a cui mettere un fiocco viola, per poi spedirlo a
teri stoddard
mailto: teri *at* akidsright *punto* org
john murtari on internet websites
teri stoddard
2 commenti:
August 16, 2006
Column #1,304
Advance for August 19, 2006
The Need for Shared Parenting
by Mike McManus
John Murtari, 49, is sitting in a Syracuse jail for two weeks as I write, and has refused to eat or drink to protest "gross and repeated injustice" by the court system in a custody battle over access to his son, Domenic, 13.
From the state's perspective, he is a deadbeat dad, who owes $60,000 in child support.
However, the initial support level was not based on his income, but the $70,000 he once earned as a software engineer for a defense firm. When the company filed false reports, he says he blew the whistle and was fired the next day.
Though president of his own software firm, his earnings are half of what he used to make. The first injustice is that his child support level was set far too high. Second, the court allowed his wife to move to Colorado, in spite of his protest. She's studying for a third college degree, which she could have pursued in New York State. Why should any court allow a divorced parent to move so far away that child visitation by the parent left behind is almost impossible?
If Domenic visited him, John had to fly to Colorado, pick him up, bring him back, and then return with him to Colorado. Three round trip tickets cost $1,000 per visit. But the court would not allow him to deduct that from his child support payments. That's a third injustice.
Fourth, he repeatedly filed for modifications of his child support level, and was denied. He was assigned a public defender who told him, "John, just pay the money. You'll see your son when he is 18."
John has been paying $50 a month, which is skimpy. However, he estimates he has spent $60,000 in support of his son, but none of it counts in the court's eyes. In the last seven years, he flew out four times a year for visits, and picked him up for vacations in New York twice a year.
"How many of those could I have traded away - and not lost our relationship?" he asks.
So he sits today in debtor's prison, to call attention to the plight of divorced parents denied regular access to their children. John told me before going to jail that he would not eat or drink and would force the prison to keep him alive with a feeding tube. For ten days the jail refused to do so. His weight dropped from 155 pounds to 127. His blood pressure fell to a dangerous level.
Stories appeared in local newspapers, and a feeding tube was inserted. He asserts, "This is not suicide wish or hunger strike. My goal is not to hurt myself but to make them expend an uncomfortable amount of effort to keep me in custody."
There has to be a better answer and there is. It is called "shared parenting," or "joint custody," which is granted in only 16 percent of cases. According to a study by the American Psychological Association, "A major advantage of joint custody may be its ability to address the high rate of current father absence subsequent to divorce. Joint custody has been correlated with increased father involvement."
Second, "Joint custody versus sole maternal custody was associated with adolescent's positive adjustment. Several studies found that increased and reliable visitation by the noncustodial parent (usually the father) predicted positive adjustment of children."
Feminists oppose joint custody on grounds that child support will be reduced. However, "the consensus of studies" found that "child support is either increased" or not significantly different. A fourth benefit is that there is "decreased re-litigation" with shared parenting, and less conflict between spouses in general.
Thus, research proves what common sense would suggest. Shared parenting results in greater father involvement, more financial support, less litigation and happier children.
David Levy, an attorney who is President of the Children's Rights Council, reports another great impact of joint custody. States with the greatest amount of joint custody enjoyed a big drop in divorce rates. The six states with the most joint custody are, in order, Montana, Kansas, Connecticut, Idaho, Rhode Island, and Alaska. The states with the highest decline in divorce in the 1990s were Alaska, Kansas, Connecticut, Illinois, Montana and Idaho.
"If a parent knows that he or she will have to interact with the child's other parent while the child is growing up, there is less incentive to divorce," says Levy.
Here's a political issue for this political season.
Candidates for governor or state legislatures: why not fight for more joint custody to support kids and lower divorce rates?
END TXT Copyright © 2006 Michael J. McManus
Michael J. McManus
syndicated columnist
"Ethics & Religion"
President & Co-Chair
Marriage Savers
9311 Harrington Dr.
Potomac, MD 20854
301 469-5873
Thank you so much Marco.
Please let your readers know about the Purple Ribbon Campaign. I'm collecting photos of trees and statues tied with purple ribbons so we can show the politicians that there are many of us who want these changes.
I'd appreciate it if your readers would tie a tree with a purple ribbon, take a photo, and send it to me at
I have a slideshow on flickr called "PurpleRibbonCampaignForEqualParenting". If your readers prefer, they can upload the photo to and use a "purpleribboncampaignforequalparenting" tag.
Thanks! Love from America.
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